145 Townsend Ave.
Boothbay Harbor, Me o4538
165 Bath Rd(Rte 1)
Wiscasset, Maine 04538
It is my goal to provide you and your family
with the highest quality eye care possible
and at reasonable fees.
Thomas P. Nadeau,O.D., P.C.
Electronic Health Records Program
from Allscripts and Medflow!
Kowa Fundus Camera
We added the Kowa nonmyd α-DIII camera to the Boothbay Harbor office last summer. This digital camera and computer enhancing software enables us to take high quality digital photos of the fundus(inside of the eye) and exterior eye. Useful for documentation of eye diseases such as diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, glaucoma and many other eye disease. The photo can be unloaded into the new EHR of each patient’s records for ease of analysis and review.
Visual field tester from Haag-Streit
Visual fields are the tests of the peripheral and central vision for changes due to diseases such as glaucoma, stroke, macular degeneration, and many other disease which can affect the eyes, the visual pathway and brain. Our previous field tester had gotten dated and needed to be replaced. The Octopus 300 added numerous new feature which will add in diagnose and analysis as well, making the test easier and quicker for the patients.